City of Rott is the creation of just one man, Frank Sudol; he wrote the script, directed it, produced it, composed the original soundtrack, edited and starred as all of the characters. That is impressive. City of Rott is the first of a trilogy of animated movies by Sudol, with Dead Fury (2008), an animated take on The Evil Dead series of films, being the second, and Shock Invasion (2010), an action science fiction about the alien invasion as the last. Currently Shock Invasion is only available as a digital download.

Aside from the animation of City of Rott being flash-based and a little basic, it has a lot to offer fans of the zombie horror genre: There is plenty of violence and gore, along with tons of zombies; Fred is a master of the walker as a close combat weapon; the movie doesn’t take itself too seriously and there are many amusing references to zombie lore throughout; the plot twists and turns to keep you on your toes and the parasitic worm angle has originality. All things considered City of Rott is more than the sum of its parts.
Suffice to say it’s not suitable for a younger audience.      

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